About Shailin

I thrive in chaos and live in the world of brands, digital, and startups. Woeful awareness of NOT having been there, or having seen it all has led me to be: a perpetually curious marketeer by profession, an aspiring entrepreneur by passion.

Seeking balance, cohesion between the intangible and tangible. Bringing together,

The perspective of a Futurebrands’ (a Future Group company) Brand Strategist, someone who is exploring, learning and unlearning for a deeper, nuanced understanding of the layers that amalgamate to form the Indian consumer.

And the perspective of a Digital Technology evangelist, someone with six years of nurturing an eCommerce venture and three years of close involvement in the advertising agency, TBWA’s transformation as India’s first digitally native creative company.

That being said. Hit me up for a moderately engaging conversation/cup of coffee on Brand Positioning, Moment Marketing, Payment Gateways – and everything in between.